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Faculty & Staff Scholarship
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In this brief newsletter column, the author recounts the story of how a LISTSERV-based discussion list founded in 1991 helped to transform an international multi-disciplinary research society from a 'Cinderella organization' that convened once a year for a three-day conference and then effectively disappeared again until the next annual conference. Communications fostered through the discussion list helped to transform the organization into a fully-functioning, year-round operation as subscriptions burgeoned from an original 32 subscribers to more than 1,500.
Once Upon A Doll Story Mac Os Download
Digital Commons Citation
Xong (2009) mac os. Lohmann, Roger A., 'ARNOVA-L and the Cinderella Syndrome' (2020). Faculty & Staff Scholarship. 2148.
Source Citation
An edited version of this recollection was published in the Spring, 2020 issue of the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council (NACC) newsletter as a contribution to the 'Once Upon a Time' feature. I am anna mac os.
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